Friday 24 May 2013

The Guerilla battle of Tribes

May 17, 1846: The battle of Aberdeen

This was during the era of British government in India. The first revolt to happen was that of Sepoy mutiny in 1857 which demanded for a good penal system to jail the renegades of British rule. Thus the Cellular jail was formed in Andaman Island. The British made the jail and started shipping prisoners here but that didn’t fare well with the locals of the area. The natives were not friendly farmers but ferocious tribes looking for revenge from the British ‘white devils’ that seized their lands. The British had also killed a handful of these tribesmen which increased their hatred for them.  Now they were looking to get back at the British with every bit of spite they had against the British. They planned for days for a perfect strike and devised ruthless guerilla attack on the British who weren’t akin of these kinds of warfare.
And when the time was right, at the stroke of dawn, the guerilla cadres of tribes, armed with poisoned spear, bows and arrows, attacked the British through the coastal ways of the Islands and shunned the British with their diabolical fighting style and Machiavellian strategy. The poor Brits didn’t know what hit them. Many casualties were dealt by the tribes who were advantageous against all odds. The British had the wonder of gunpowder to their favor but that didn’t make up for the knowledge of the terrains the tribes had. The major parts around the Islands were jungles which favored the tribes in hiding and prancing in action when the enemy expected the least. This also proved o b the reason the British retreated from the coastal vanguard into the heart of the city. The tribes sought this as a chance to scrape off the Red coats off their lands. They pursued the British from the coastal areas to the city of Aberdeen which was the heart of British Andaman. The tribes showed great coordination and covert ingenuity unlike any other, even the modern Special Forces. The British had to call men in the hundreds to stop a band of sixty or so tribesmen. They efficiently delivered long range fire through bows and arrows and by accurately throwing poisoned spears at the British.
At this point the British army was successful in installing a counter action brigade just behind the falling men who were being slaughtered by the tribes. Just as the tribes moved into the heart of Aberdeen, they were leveled almost instantaneously by an outnumbered army. They were surrounded from all sides of the city by firing squads armed with muskets and they open fired on these few valiant tribesmen. The greatest strategic mistake the tribesmen did was to move from a strategically advantageous position into an enemy vanguard without any prior maneuvering. Soon after, they managed to slaughter ever last one of the tribesmen and those that survived fled into the jungles.
This was the story of the battle of Aberdeen which happened on very day of 17th of May. This was the one and only showdown between the British and the locals of Andaman.  The British never bothered to advance into tribal land and the tribes never walked out of their jungles in the fear of the British. They both lived in mutual fear of each other for a very long time.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Commanche Warfare


Comanche warriors would spend their lives on horseback; spurning to fight on foot; and adopting their tactics of warfare to fit. For the Comanche, warfare was a way of life. Old men were considered unnatural-a warrior who could no longer maintain his prowess in war was an object of scorn and his council received no respect, and even at night, around the camp fire, the telling of war-stories about particular raids would occupy the bulk of conversation.

The Comanche, however, were never cavalry in the European sense. They did not adopt mass tactics like the Persians, Mongols or Huns, nor did they use shock tactics like European Knights. Instead they created tactics that were very much appropriate to the wide open regions (eastern New Mexico, southern Colorado, southern Kansas, all of Oklahoma, and most of northwest Texas) to which they were native. The Comanche rode and fought very much as individuals and they never pressing a charge home-instead relying on horse archery to defeat the opposition. To the great surprise of many an opponent, Comanche tactics were often extremely well synchronised and orchestrated. So much so that even professional European soldiers had difficulty in understanding, or even describing, the Comanche’s approach to warfare.
Comanches would approach an enemy at a gallop, weaving, each warrior apparently taking no orders from the war chief. These magnificent horsemen never formed a solid line, instead they formed a swirling, breaking, dissolving and regrouping mass of separate riders, thundering across the prairie, making difficult moving targets,. The whooping riders charged, broke off before contact, dodging and weaving whilst at the same time circling the enemy, showering them with arrows from all directions. The Comanche also employed a trick of hanging over the far side of their steed by a strap or thong thus almost being protected from ball or arrow.

Against this even massed musketry was of limited usefulness in facing such an attack. Trained from youth to bring down a buffalo from 50 yards the skilful warriors could fire twenty shafts in the time that it took one trooper with a musket to fire a shot and seek cover to reload. Such deadly archery could bring consternation to their foe, inflicting considerable casualties, stampeding the enemy horses, and even occasionally managing to break-up European defensive formation.

In fact the Comanche warriors were not overly impressed by firearms (although they were certainly keen to obtain them as a trophy when they could). Firearms may have been superior in mountainous or wooded terrain but in the open plain the Indians suffered no real hardship through a lack of them. The bow and arrow, or war-lance was their weapon of choice in battle. Against a swirling mass of fast moving individuals firearms could often be less effective than the cloud of ceaseless arrows being shot back in return. Nor could the Comanche tactics be effectively countered by a cavalry charge. The warriors would just retire, peppering the troopers with arrows as they did so. The scruffy looking Amerindian horses proving to be incredibly quick and agile, leaving the heavier mounts of even Spanish Lancers dissipated and exhausted in the open prairie. Occasionally some Brave, keen to count coup, might charge forward to engage in hand to hand combat with axe or lance whilst his comrades kept up the ceaseless barrage of arrows but for the most part, breaking the enemy’s resistance with overwhelming archery was much the preferred method of combat.


The Comanche were a copper toned people usually dressed in buckskins (which were usually stained in a colour for effect and ornamentation). They frequently wore a kind of moccasin which was quite different to the small shoe worn by the other plains Indians, but instead a kind of combined boot and legging that reached from foot to hip. They did not adopt the feathered headdress, as so commonly depicted in Hollywood movies, until the reservation period, but instead devised a rather grim war helmet made from a buffalo scalp, complete with great thrusting horns, which give the warrior a terrifying appearance that no enemy ever forgot.
The Comanche took great care in the dressing of their hair. Their long locks being greased with buffalo dung or bear fat, parted along the top of the head and braided on each side. These braids being frequently decorated with silver, coloured cloth, beads, glass and tin. A single yellow feather worn in the scalplock was also a Comanche fashion during 18th century.
Warriors, particularly in the more southern regions, would wear a simple breechclout (protecting the sacred medicine bag that hung between the loins). Other medicine symbols were frequently worn including twisted thongs and berry heads, amulet bags, eagle feathers dyed red and eagle bone war whistles. Comanche warpaint was black, the colour of death, and normally consisted of broad stripes daubed across the face and forehead. The warpaint pattern was frequently copied onto their pinto ponies in the same pattern.
"The Comanche is a fine looking Indian…The squaws are dressed in deer skins, and are good looking women… appearance of a Comanche fully equipped on horseback, with his lance and shield by his side, is beautifully classic” (T.B. Wheelock, 1st Lt. Dragoons, Fort Gibson, 1834)

Immoral Counter-insurgenct indoctrination around the World

"[T]he psychological effectiveness of the CSDF [paramilitary] concept starts by reversing the insurgent strategy of making the government the repressor. It forces the insurgents to cross a critical threshold-that of attacking and killing the very class of people they are supposed to be liberating."
"The United States reserves the right to engage in nonconsensual [extra-territorial] abductions for three specific reasons..."
"Checkpoints, searches, roadblocks; surveillance, censorship, and press control; and restriction of activity that applies to selected groups (labor unions, political groups and the like) are further PRC [Population and Resource Control] measures"
"U.S. policy states that the enemy's uniform may be used for infiltration behind enemy lines. However, Article 39 of Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions prohibits this and other uses of the "The agent controlling the creation, flow, and access "stores of value" wields power. Although finance is generally an operation of real and virtual currency, anything that can serve as a "medium of exchange" povides those who accept the medium with a method of financial transaction. For both reasons, ARSOF understand that they can and should exploit the active and analytical capabilities existing in the financial instrument of U.S. power in the conduct of UW [Unconventional Warfare]."
"In addition to intelligence and policy changes that may provide active incentive or disincentive leverage, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has a long history of conducting economic warfare valuable to any ARSOF UW [Unconventional Warfare] campaign."
"Like all other instruments of U.S. national power, the use and effects of economic "weapons" are interrelated and they must be coordinated carefully. Once again, ARSOF must work carefully with the DOS and intelligence community (IC) to determine which elements of the human terrain in the UWOA are most susceptible to economic engagement and what second- and third-order effects are likely from such engagement. The United States Agency for International Development's (USAID's) placement abroad and its mission to engage human groups provide one channel for leveraging economic incentives. The DOC's can similarly leverage its routine influence with U.S. corporations active abroad. Moreover, the IO effects of economic promises kept (or ignored) can prove critical to the legitimacy of U.S. UW efforts. UW practitioners must plan for these effects.)"
"Actors engaged in supporting elements in the UWOA may rely on criminal activities, such as smuggling, narcotics, or human trafficking. Political and military adversaries in the UWOA will exhibit the same sensitivity to official exposure and engagement because criminal entities routinely seek to avoid law enforcement. Sometimes, political and military adversaries are simultaneously criminal adversaries, which ARSOF UW planners must consider a threat. At other times, the methods and networks of real or perceived criminal entities can be useful as supporting elements of a U.S.-sponsored UW effort. In either case, ARSOF understand the importance of coordinating military intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) for specific UW campaigns with the routine intelligence activities conducted by U.S. law enforcement agencies."
"There is more SF [Special Forces] participation in developing and advising underground [and auxiliary] elements than is widely understood or acknowledged. Most such participation is classified and inappropriate for inclusion in this manual."
"The advisors helped the El Salvadoran military become more professional and better organized, while advising in the conduct of pacification and counterguerrilla operations. Advisors were also present at the brigade levels assisting in operations and intelligence activities. From 1985 to 1992, just over 140 SF [Special Forces] officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) served as advisors to a 40-battalion army. From a poorly staffed and led force of 8,000 soldiers in 1980, SF trainers created a hard-hitting COIN force of 54,000 by 1986. U.S. forces supported U.S. interests by creating an effective COIN force that fought the guerrillas to a standstill and established the groundwork for a negotiated settlement by 1991. "
"An important legal aspect of a noninternational conflict is that captured combatants do not enjoy the rights of PWs [Prisoners of War]. They may be prosecuted as criminals under the laws of the HN [Host Nation]. The fact that an insurgent follows the rules of war or is in uniform will not give him PW status under international law."
"Special Forces Exception E-15. The Comptroller General has acknowledged that SF Soldiers have a mission to train foreign forces. SF may train a foreign military force to test their ability to accomplish their mission. The primary goal or benefit must be to test SF training capabilities. Title 10 has been amended expressly to authorize the use of O&M funds to finance SF training with foreign forces (10 USC 2011). This training is permissible as long as it is not comparable to or intended as SA training; that is, the training must be conducted as an SF team and not be long-term. "

Counterinsurgenct Policies of US and UK Around the World

Monday 13 May 2013

Anarchists should Fear Nothing!

Guerilla Tactics of Apache Resistance

Battles between Europeans and Native Americans in North America started with the first landfall and continued until the late 19th Century. Typically, the wars were limited in duration as the mass of European immigrants expanded into and pacified new areas.  Tribes decimated by war and disease had few alternatives.  In most parts of what is now the United States, peace followed settlement by not too many years.

The deserts of the West were another story. Vast distances and non-arable land meant that for many years more people transited the land than settled in it. What the land lacked in agricultural potential, it made up for with mineral wealth. That is what brought first the Spanish, then the Mexicans, and finally the Americans to the land of the Apache. Their range extended from Arizona to West Texas and from Southern Colorado to Northern Mexico.
 An Apache warrior was minimalist and efficient.  Reflecting the harshness of their land, the Apaches had none of the splendid head dresses, painted tepees, or beaded parfletches of the Plains Tribes. Additionally, there was no cult of the horse; Apache saw horses as tools first and food when necessary. Even on foot, an Apache warrior could travel 70 miles per day in the harsh terrain they called home.  Given their numbers, they were arguably the most effective guerrilla warriors in history. At the time of the Geronimo campaign, one-quarter of the U.S. Army (5000 men) were deployed looking for 50 Apache warriors.

One anecdote from 1876 is informative. In 1876 the Chiricahua reservation was to be closed and the tribe was divided on whether they should peacefully go to a new reservation, or leave in armed rebellion. Lacking agreement, it escalated to an armed battle and the “peace faction” literally shot down the more militant tribesmen. All members of the tribe had to be tough and capable of hard travel in austere conditions. Men were warriors and Apache boys were trained from an early age to fight and apprenticed in war as adolescents. Apache society was a meritocracy. Leaders were successful guerrilla fighters who exhibited and inspired toughness and patience. For that reason, many renowned Apache chiefs were in their 50s or older. Success was valued, but risk taking was not. A raid is simply a surprise attack against an immobile target. The attacker chooses the time, and the location is fixed. Apache raiding was largely to procure livestock and other booty. This was not warfare for the Apache. Raiding was to gain property and warfare was to take life. Studying their engagements show this clearly. Northern Mexico suffered more from Apache raiding than did the Americans. Inevitably, on both sides of the border, Apache raids caused pursuit and attempts at reprisal. In response, the Apaches would seek to evade or ambush their pursuers.In an ambush, the attacker chooses the location, and the time is whenever the target enters the kill zone.

The planned ambush required real-time intelligence to establish patterns and find “exploitable weaknesses.” Many of these attacks were to capture livestock. Other categories of ambushes are:  the killing ambush, seeking retribution against the enemy; ambush by decoy, using false trails/simulating panic/etc.; and ad hoc ambushes. These quick ambushes relied on Apache trade-craft to hide where there seemed to be no concealment and spring a deadly trap at close range. Often these would be set before or after a perceived danger area when the enemy was less alert. Watt makes the case that the Apaches understood psychological operations and used it to their advantage. In one instance an Apache war party was particularly brutal. This incensed responding miners and the Apaches goaded them on with distant gunfire. Thinking another attack was taking place; the miners ran pell-mell into an ambush and were killed.

Like all great guerrilla warriors Apaches avoided direct attacks and were famously risk adverse. Disparity of numbers and technology led to the inevitable failure of the Apache resistance, but students of guerrilla war can learn much from their efforts.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Interview with Che Guevara

Reporter: Will you please tell us how Cuba achieved her revolutionary victory?

Guevara: Certainly. Let us begin at the time I joined the 26th of July Movement in Mexico. Before the dangerous crossing on the Granma the views on society of the members of this organisation were very different. I remember, in a frank discussion within our family in Mexico, I suggested we ought to propose a revolutionary program to the Cuban people. I have never forgotten how one of the participants in the attack on the Moncada army camp responded at that time. He said to me: "Our action is very simple. What we want to do is to initiate a coup d 'etat. Batista pulled off a coup and in only one morning took over the government. We must make another coup and expel him from power… Batista has made a hundred concessions to the Americans, and we will make one hundred and one." At that time I argued with him, saying that we had to make a coup on the basis of principle and yet at the same time understand clearly what we would do after taking over the government. That was the thinking of a member of the first stage of the 26th of July Movement. Those who held the same view and did not change left our revolutionary movement later and adopted another path.

From that time on, the small organisation that later made the crossing on the Granma encountered repeated difficulties. Besides the never-ending suppression by the Mexican authorities, there was also a series of internal problems, like those people who were adventurous in the beginning but later used this pretext and that to break away from the military expedition. Finally at the time of the crossing on the Granma there remained only eighty-two men in the organisation. The adventurous thought of that time was the first and only catastrophe encountered within the organisation during the process of starting the uprising. We suffered from the blow. But we gathered together again in the Sierra Maestra. For many months the manner of our life in the mountains was most irregular. We climbed from one mountain peak to another, in a drought, without a drop of water. Merely to survive was extremely difficult.
The peasants who had to endure the persecution of Batista's military units gradually began to change their attitude toward us. They fled to us for refuge to participate in our guerrilla units. In this way our rank and file changed from city people to peasants. At that same time, as the peasants began to participate in the armed struggle for freedom of rights and social justice, we put forth a correct slogan -land reform. This slogan mobilised the oppressed Cuban masses to come forward and fight to seize the land. From this time on the first great social plan was determined, and it later became the banner and primary spearhead of our movement.

It was at just this time that a tragedy occurred in Santiago de Cuba; our Comrade Frank Pa?s was killed. This produced a turning point in our revolutionary movement. The enraged people of Santiago on their own poured into the streets and called for the first politically oriented general strike. Even though the strike did not have a leader , it paralysed the whole of Oriente Province. The dictatorial government suppressed the incident. This movement, however, caused us to understand that working class participation in the struggle to achieve freedom was absolutely essential! We then began to carry out secret work among the workers, in preparation for another general strike, to help the Rebel Army seize the government.
The victorious and bold secret activities of the Rebel Army shook the whole country; all of the people were stirred up, leading to the general strike on April 9 last year. But the strike failed because of a lack of contact between the leaders and the working masses. Experience taught the leaders of the 26th of .July Movement a valuable truth: the revolution must not belong to this or that specific clique, it must be the undertaking of the whole body of the Cuban people. This conclusion inspired the members of the movement to work their hardest, both on the plains and in the mountains. At this time we began to educate our forces in revolutionary theory and doctrine. This all showed that the rebel movement had already grown and was even beginning to achieve political maturity....
Every person in the Rebel Army remembered his basic duties in the Sierra Maestra and other areas: to improve the status of the peasants, to participate in the struggle to seize land, and to build schools. Agrarian law was tried for the first time; using revolutionary methods we confiscated the extensive possessions of the officials of the dictatorial government and distributed to the peasants all of the state-held land in the area. At this time there rose up a peasant movement, closely connected to the land, with land reform as its banner....
To carry out thoroughly the law providing for the abolition of the latifundia system will be the concern of the peasant masses themselves. The present State Constitution provides for mandatory monetary compensation whenever land is taken away, and land reform under it will be both sluggish and difficult. Now after the victory of the revolution, the peasants who have achieved their freedom must rise up in collective action and democratically demand the abolition of the latifundia system and the carrying out of a true and extensive land reform.

Reporter: What problems does the Cuban Revolution now face, and what are its current responsibilities?

Guevara: The first difficulty is that our new actions must be engaged in on the old foundations. Cuba's antipeople regime and army are already destroyed, but the dictatorial social system and economic foundations have not yet been abolished. Some of the old people are still working within the national structure. In order to protect the fruits of the revolutionary victory and to enable the unending development of the revolution we need to take another step forward in our work to rectify and strengthen the government. Second, what the new government took over was a rundown mess. When Batista fled he cleaned out the national treasury, leaving serious difficulties in the national finances.... Third, Cuba's land system is one in which latifundistas hold large amounts of land, while at the same time many people are unemployed.... Fourth, there is still racial discrimination in our society which is not beneficial to efforts to achieve the internal unification of the people. Fifth, our house rents are the highest in the world; a family frequently has to pay over a third of its income for rent. To sum up, the reform of the foundations of the economy of the Cuban society is very difficult and will take a long time.

In establishing the order of society and in democratising the national life, the new government has adopted many positive measures. We have exerted great effort to restore the national economy. For example, the government has passed a law lowering rents by fifty percent. Yesterday a law regulating beaches was passed to cancel the privileges of a small number of people who occupy the land and the seashores....
Most important is the land reform law, which will soon be promulgated. Moreover. we will found a National Land Reform Institute. Our land reform here is not yet very penetrating; it is not as thorough as the one in China. Yet it must be considered the most progressive in Latin America....

Reporter: How will Cuba struggle against domestic and foreign reactionary enemies? What are the prospects of the revolution ?

Guevara: The Cuban Revolution is not a class revolution, but a liberation movement that has overthrown a dictatorial, tyrannical government. The people detested the American-supported Batista dictatorial government from the bottoms of their hearts and so rose up and overthrew it. The revolutionary government has received the broad support of all strata of people because its economic measures have taken care of the requirements of all and have gradually improved the livelihood of the people. The only enemies remaining in the country are the latifundistas and the reactionary bourgeoisie. They oppose the land reform that goes against their own interests. These internal reactionary forces may get in league with the developing provocation’s of the foreign reactionary forces and attack the revolutionary government.
The only foreign enemies who oppose the Cuban Revolution are the people who monopolise capital and who have representatives in the United States State Department. The victory and continuous development of the Cuban Revolution has caused these people to panic. They do not willingly accept defeat and are doing everything possible to maintain their control over the Cuban government and economy and to block the great influence of the Cuban Revolution on the people's struggles in the other Latin American countries....

Our revolution has set an example for every other country in Latin America. The experience and lessons of our revolution have caused the mere talk of the coffee houses to be dispersed like smoke. We have proved that an uprising can begin even when there is only a small group of fearless men with a resolute will; that it is only necessary to gain the support of the people who can then compete with, and in the end defeat, the regular disciplined army of the government. It is also necessary to carry out a land reform. This is another experience that our Latin American brothers ought to absorb. On the economic front and in agricultural structure they are at the same stage as we are.

The present indications are very clear that they are now preparing to intervene in Cuba and destroy the Cuban Revolution. The evil foreign enemies have an old method. First they begin a political offensive, propagandising widely and saying that the Cuban people oppose Communism. These false democratic leaders say that the United States cannot allow a Communist country on its coastline. At the same time they intensify their economic attack and cause Cuba to fall into economic difficulties. Later they will look for a pretext to create some kind of dispute and then utilise certain international organisations they control to carry out intervention against the Cuban people. We do not have to fear an attack from some small neighbouring dictatorial country, but from a certain large country, using certain international organisations and a certain kind of pretext in order to intervene and undermine the Cuban Revolution....

United We Strike!

Anarchist Ideology

The Sicke....The Hammer....The Star...

Comrades around the EU need to Unite!

Thursday 9 May 2013

The Bible For Practicing Communists

Equality in Communism

Poem: The Rich Man

I am stuck in this game
Of earning power and fame
And I can't let go now
It has possessed me somehow

Money is my deity
It's my high and mighty
I can't see beyond green
Other things don't make me keen

I try to be good
Give poor free food
Hidden motives perhaps
I try to evade tax

I smoke Cuban cigars
Treat myself with caviar
And a Versache suit
With tan leather boots

I render people jobless
And steal from the hopeless
I do whatever I can
Who am I? The rich man.

~By Kamran

Tuesday 7 May 2013

WOman in US after being Raped!

The Tyrant From Below

No, liberty is not for us. We
are too ignorant, too vain, too presumptuous,
too cowardly, too vile, too corrupted
— Marat
I have to say it and I will say it.
In taking up the pen I committed myself, all alone, to banishing all forms of partisanship and to refusing to retreat before any truths. Hypocrisy is repugnant to me, if it’s from the Right or the Left. This need for honesty has made me many enemies, even — and how ironic- among “friends” and “brothers.”
Beat up on the capitalist and the fascist: that’s fine. Bravo! You’ll be encouraged, at least verbally (when you have to pay with your own money it’s already more difficult — you end up paying with your skin).
But, loyal man, don’t allow yourself to criticize what is going on in your own house. Reveal the flaws of your neighbor, but close your eyes to the turpitudes of your party.
I never knew how to do this. This is probably why I never wanted to join any party, any church, any sect. My independence is my most precious good.
This is not a comfortable position. You draw much animosity to yourself. The troublemaker. He who refuses to be the accomplice of the ambitious, the traitors, the profiteers. For they exist. And everywhere, everywhere.
I passionately love humanity, and have dedicated my best efforts to the fight for the oppressed. All tyrants disgust me — and all those who put up with them, adulate them, support them. After having brought them down will I make myself a tyrant in their place? I would be disgusted with myself.
People, beware of demagogues. They are your worst enemies. They caress you only so they can better shear you. Deep down they detest and mock you, but your shoulders are necessary to them for carrying their kettledrum (which won’t beat for you). They hate you, and if they could squeeze you for once and for all in the vise, they’d gladly do it. And later maybe they will. For the moment they need your votes, your suffrage, and your dues. So they’ll call you great, noble and beautiful, and that you have both all rights and all virtues.
If you believe them you are an imbecile, and you are lost.
* * *
Telling a worker the truth, the whole truth, even when it is painful, is perhaps the best way of serving his cause and working for his true liberation.
They disgust me, those who tell the people they’ll arrive at complete and universal happiness without having to make an effort or perfecting themselves. They lie — and willfully. It is, incidentally, in their interest — that of the masters, or the aspiring masters — to prevent the masses from educating themselves. Is it not by correcting themselves that they will be capable of progressing and taking in hand the guiding of their own destiny? That day, having become useless, chiefs and leaders will have nothing to do but disappear.
They disgust me, those who refuse the worker the right to the ideal and speak exclusively of his belly.
For them, everything is subordinated to beefsteak.
An ever bigger, ever bloodier, ever easier-to-conquer-beefsteak. The ideal of a wild beast, or a starving dog.
To be sure, one must live. I concede you this. But adding: we must live in order to develop in ourselves the highest and noblest qualities of man: Dignity! Consciousness! Love! Liberty!
What good would it be for me to gorge myself like a bulldog or to digest like a canon if I have to renounce the most elevated aspirations and the purest, most disinterested joys?
Don’t listen to those who want to subordinate everything to the stomach: they insult you. Become capable of fighting for something other than tripe or the wallet. Without detesting them for all that (let’s not go from one extreme to the other) let us mistrust flatterers, professional politicians, phrasemakers. Let us go towards the truth, whatever it might be, with all our heart, without putting on blinders, without stifling anyone’s voice.
I have no particular hatred for the rich. If it happens that I complain of their stupidity or mock their pretentions, I am not jealous of their money.
Must I add that it is not enough to be poor to merit my sympathy?
Money makes stupid or crooked those who have it. But those who don’t have it are generally as cretinous and villainous as the rich. The desire to enrich themselves suffices to stifle in them all generous feelings and any aspiration to justice — and cleanliness.
And those 100% revolutionaries, those organized proletarians, those conscious union members, those pioneers of the future who get as drunk as skunks? Who don’t have ten francs to buy a book but who spend twice that at the bar. Who stumble around the streets and disgorge their wine while climbing the stairs? These are the pioneers of the future, the precursors of the Harmonious City, with their dirty feet, their bestial ignorance, their animalistic pretentions, their appetite for alcohol and bordellos?
* * *
Thanks to a certain minister named Pomaret, since last winter workers who have been employed for 60 consecutive years in the same establishment receive a medal of honor for labor.
You read correctly: they will give a medal to workers who have remained sixty years with the same boss.
It’s hard to more openly make fun of these poor proles.
But they accept the medal (which won’t even be of chocolate). They will be as proud as peacocks and will strive to hold straight their carcasses that have been emptied, worn out, crushed by so much suffering, so much prolonged effort, so much pitiless exploitation.
They’ll go be photographed with their little bauble. As proud, as foolish as those fathers of fourteen whose unintelligent mugs “La Croix” (edited by bachelors) regularly publishes.
The lowest of slaves is he who is happy to be one.
So admit it: in many ways the slave is as repugnant as his master.
If he trembles in a cowardly way before his superior, he avenges himself in a no less cowardly way on his inferior.
A prole who stammers with servility before his factory foreman makes up for it in the evening by beating his wife and kids. Then he stands up straight. And he shouts. Then he’s a real male!
At the factory itself, if he has any apprentices under him, he uses them as whipping boys; he tyrannizes over them wears them out through ill treatment.
Just like the sergeant who works over the recruit at the barracks because the captain yelled at him.
Humanity doesn’t shine too brightly?
* * *
Once we said: the people. Today we say: the masses.
Once we said: your delegates. Today there is the base and the summit.
The delegates, secretaries, etc., we call them the responsables. Does that mean that the voters are all irresponsible? That is, unaware?
What contempt for the individual. Conformism is ever more triumphant. The human personality is neglected. What am I saying: it is disappearing. If it existed it would show itself, it would react, it would complain. It is only capable of bleating out applause and weakly following chiefs who lead it to the slaughterhouse. In the immense leveling of the social herds MAN becomes increasingly rare. And we make life tougher and tougher for him.
With your millions of members, dues-payers, you weren’t capable of saving the Spanish Republic. CGT, Communist and Socialist parties, what did your try that was effective? Serious? All you know are materialistic demands, cash, but the Ideal, the defense of a great disinterested cause? How could your members know about this, since their bad shepherds never spoke to them about it?

Monday 6 May 2013

Poise of Radicals

Competition and Control

Before you continue on your moribund, monotonous and meaningful journey f life and think to yourself “Who controls your life? Is it you, the people you love and take advice from or is it someone whom you have never even seen, never even met or hear about? You might instantly come to a conclusion that you decide the choices you took and you decided the roads you now walk on. But take another minute, because the realization of this is important. Even though you now metaphorically walk on the road you chose, who built those roads for you? The answer may surprise you beyond your belief.

The truth is that each of our choice is fated. We are a clog of a much bigger wheel. Our whole life is controlled by precise ‘supply and demand’ of opportunities. Education system is the watch glass to this phenomenon. People perceive ‘education’ as a list of books which they have to learn by memory if they need to pass their schools. 
This is a deliberate attempt from the government’s side to control the future of the nation. Why else do you think having a liberal arts degree is seen as a cheap and ‘easy’ degree while those who study engineering swim their way to glory in cash. Everyone knows that arts demands provocative thinking and prying sense of mentality to seek a thorough perspective towards understanding a work of art. 
All an engineer needs are his tools and texts. Half of his job is done by the mechanics and supervisors and half of it is done by the laborers. 

But still there is an ever increasing demand for these ‘lazy bums’ we call engineers in the corporate world. There is no denying the fact that engineers are needed for development but it shouldn’t mean that the artists, the creators and others have to suffer at the cost of them. 

This increase in demand of engineer leads to competition among students for the best colleges that offer the best courses. Everyone wants to be elite and doesn’t care even if he has to tread of thousands of heads to get to the top. We talk of ending wars and bringing peace yet we are the ones telling them it is okay for you to win the world if you try hard enough.  If this is the teaching we bestow our children, then we should be ready for a third world war or another Great Depression while the ‘elitists’ lounge in luxury. The government want us as the blind masses that walk the Earth with our eyes blindfolded by ignorance. We are not shown both sides of the story just because THEY tell us 'Ignorance is Bliss'. We have been fed up to the neck with false propaganda and lies. Well, here and now, the lies stop.

~By Kamran

The Conscience of a Hacker

Another one got caught today; it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"... Damn kids. They're all alike. But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?

I am a hacker, enter my world... Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids, this crap they teach us bores me... Damn underachiever. They're all alike. I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..." Damn kid, probably copied it. They're all alike.

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me or feels threatened by me or thinks I'm a smart ass or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. And then it happened. A door opened to a world. Rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetency is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them again... I know you all... Damn kid, tying up the phone line again. They're all alike... You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals.
Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike.